When Should You Invest In Real Estate?

By | March 24, 2016

When Should You Invest In Real Estate? – I don’t think you should invest in the real estate when you’ve got no money. I think real estate it’s a great way to to. hold your wealth you should focus on. building your business first because at. the end of the day real estate is very. capital intensive so even though you can. use banks money you can use leverage but. it’s not a very scalable business.

Example would be if you don’t have a lot. of cash coming in and you want to have. two thousand three thousand five. thousand a month in positive cash flow. you need to acquire quite a substantial. amount of real estate in order to do. that versus a business to make three. four five ten thousand twenty thousand. it’s a much much easier. so my recommendation and this is just my philosophy and I probably a lot of. people will disagree with me is you will.

When Should You Invest In Real Estate?

You build your business first but when your business throws off so much cash. and you have we invest a lot of products. profits into your business to grow and. it’s now throwing off more cash then you. take that money to extra cash and then. you can put into real estate it doesn’t. have to be a real estate it just happens. to be what I like but some kind of high. return investments if you follow my work. you know that I teach a concept called a. wealth triangle you can click on the I button and watch that if you have not.

Wanted that watch that and I believe you. you build your scalable business first. and then you can invest in high return. investments so with real estate doesn’t. matter what is that you do if one when. you do it as a business when you use it. try to generate income there are people. who generate income with real estate. such as like the the the fixer-upper. they buy something and they fix it up. and they sell it kinda like a flip or to. just flip a property they buy it and. just flip it for quick cash that’s fine. you make the cash but in order for it to. grow then you got to buy the next.

Property and then you roll that into the. next property and some people do very. well over a long term they do it many. many many times I think it’s easier and. faster to create wealth when you. you have a business that makes you money. you take that money and you put it into. real estate because after you invest in. that piece of real estate your business. still making your money you buy the next. piece of real estate and then you buy. your next piece of real estate it’s much.

Much easier to accumulate and build your. net worth before you go what I recommend. is this don’t wait to buy real estate. buy real estate and wait so when is it. the best time to buy real estate it’s. when you have so much money when you have so much cash coming in from your. business take that money put that into. real estate because long term if you buy. right you would become very very very. very wealthy and even your business goes. through ups and downs maybe in.

The future you would sell your business. that’s okay because the real estate. portion that’s your investment that’s. your personal investment that’s your. long-term retirement that is gonna get. what’s gonna get you to that financial. the financial abundance that get to a. place where you don’t have to worry about money again until next time I. about money again until next time I gotta go I’ll see you my belly.